Welcome to ‘Europe Speaks’, a podcast channel by the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) where we explore everything to do with the European Union: history, current affairs, and the future of Europe. We publish regular podcasts on all these topics, including EuropeChats with Jim Cloos and Mariam Khotenashvili, and a series of other webinars, explainers, and interviews with the world’s leading experts on the EU!

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
DiCE Webinar - Differentiated Integration: Risks and Benefits
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
In this podcast, Sandra Kröger from the University of Exeter explains the risks and benefits of differentiated integration. In this video, we explore why differentiation can lead on the one hand to efficiency gains in a way which promotes diversity and makes things more fair; whereas on the other hand it risks fragmentation, division, and domination.
This series from DiCE – Differentiation: Clustering Excellence, “DiCE Webinars” takes the full knowledge of Europe’s leading experts on differentiated integration, and presents it in an easy to digest video format.

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
EuropeChats – European Strategic Autonomy
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
In this new episode of #EuropeChats, we’re analysing the newest buzzword in Brussels: "European Strategic Autonomy". We discuss the reasons why this new term arose: we live in an increasingly hostile global environment, and we have faced multiple crises in recent years, from the subprime crisis through the refugee crisis and Brexit, as well as the COVID crisis, and these have revealed weaknesses in our system that require the EU to become more resilient, more powerful, and more autonomous.
We also discuss what exactly does this term mean, and how does it affect the EU as it currently exists? What practical applications of the concept of Strategic Autonomy should the EU try to achieve in the fields of trade policy, medical supplies, defence and digitalisation in the next decade?
We discover what that new resilience might look like, how it might affect policy, and what this means for the EU on the world stage. Can the EU be a serious geopolitical actor? Can strategic autonomy strengthen the defense of European values against authoritarian regimes outside Europe? Can Europe become an innovation centre on par with Silicon Valley or China? And, most controversially of all, does strategic autonomy mean the EU should have a European Army?
We’re discussing these topics and many more! Check it out!
EuropeChats with Jim Cloos & Mariam Khotenashvili is the flagship podcast of TEPSA and it is part of the TEPSA Podcast Channel “Europe Speaks”
Music: Worakls, 22 September 2014, Salzburg, Hungry music

Saturday Jun 12, 2021
DiCE Webinar - Differentiation and Democracy
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
In this podcast, John Erik Fossum from ARENA Centre for European Studies (part of the University of Oslo) elaborates on the concept of differentiated integration in the framework of democracy theory. He discusses key elements of the debate around differentiation, including the fact that some forms of differentiation are necessary in order for democracy to function properly, and therefore that democratic governance is functionally differentiated. Moreover, the podcast elaborates on differentiated integration in the European Union.
This series from DiCE – Differentiation: Clustering Excellence, “DiCE Webinars” takes the full knowledge of Europe’s leading experts on differentiated integration, and presents it in an easy to digest format.

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
EU History Explained - The Origins of European Integration, Part 2
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
In this new episode of #EUHistoryExplained, Giulia Bonacquisti, Project Manager at the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), takes us back in time to the early 1950s.
Last episode, we learned about Europe in the wake of war, where an intellectual background dating back to the 1920s came to the fore to foster integration in Europe. This episode, we learn how an attempted defense and political community led to the formation of the European Economic Community. We also discover the progress of military cooperation, which starts to develop in the early 1950s. Initially, this is not much more than a military alliance, first among Western European countries, and then between them and the United States. These are the origins of what we know today as NATO.
EU History Explained is TEPSA's newest video series exploring the origins of the modern EU. If you have ever wondered how the European Union of today came to be, or what lies behind the talk of politics being shaped in 'Brussels', then this is the series for you!
Script: Giulia Bonacquisti
Filming & Editing: Tanguy Babled & Hugh Evans
Music: Garrett Bevins - Infinite - Infinite (Wondershare Filmora X)

Thursday May 27, 2021
EuropeChats - The EU’s response to the COVID crisis
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
In this new episode of #EuropeChats, we’re analysing the EU’s response to the #COVID19 crisis. For more than a year, the world has been caught in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, and providing a successful response has been a significant challenge to the EU throughout.
In this episode, we discuss how and why the initial response was made, including why mask and PPE procuration was such a significant challenge in the spring of 2020. TEPSA Secretary-General Jim Cloos was a key player in organising the mammoth Special European Council meeting of July 2020, which resulted in the adoption of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and the COVID Recovery Package: #NextGenerationEU. With this expertise of the famous days-long negotiation, Jim speaks about the key elements of the more than EUR 1.8 trillion total funding agreed in that meeting.
We also discover how the EU’s research funding resulted in the record delivery of a COVID19 vaccine, as well as how the EU’s joint procuration of vaccines has resulted in a successful vaccination programme in Europe and beyond Europe’s borders, thanks to a successful vaccine export programme and the EU’s heavy involvement in COVAX. The COVID vaccine was developed and released in only one year, as of May 2021, 200 million vaccine doses have been administered in the EU, and the EU is the biggest contributor to the COVAX initiative.
EuropeChats with Jim Cloos & Mariam Khotenashvili is the flagship podcast of TEPSA and it is part of the TEPSA Podcast Channel “Europe Speaks”
Music: Worakls, 22 September 2014, Salzburg, Hungry music

Wednesday May 19, 2021
EU History Explained - The Origins of European Integration
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
In this first episode of #EUHistoryExplained, Giulia Bonacquisti, Project Manager at the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), takes us through the earliest years of European integration after the Second World War.
In the wake of war in Europe, and with an intellectual background dating back to the 1920s, the origins of the modern EU formed. In this episode, we are looking at the timeline from the end of World War Two until the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, with the Marshall Plan, the Hague Congress, and the Schuman Declaration along the way.
EU History Explained is TEPSA's newest series exploring the origins of the modern EU. If you have ever wondered how the European Union of today came to be, or what lies behind the talk of politics being shaped in 'Brussels', then this is the series for you!
Script: Giulia Bonacquisti
Filming & Editing: Tanguy Babled & Hugh Evans
Music: Garrett Bevins - Infinite - Infinite (Wondershare Filmora X)

Thursday May 13, 2021
DiCE Webinar - Explaining Differentiation: Concepts and Theories
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
This brand new series from the DiCE – Differentiation: Clustering Excellence, “DiCE Webinars” takes the full knowledge of Europe’s leading experts on differentiated integration, and presents it in an easy to digest podcast format. In this first podcast, Frank Schimmelfennig from ETH Zürich explains concepts and theories of differentiation, and answers such questions as:
- What is differentiated integration?
- What are the modes of differentiated integration, and what are multi-speed, multi-tier, and multi-menu differentiation?
- What are the causes and conditions of differentiated integration?
- What are the building blocks of differentiated integration?
- What is the difference between instrumental and constitutional differentiation?
This series from DiCE – Differentiation: Clustering Excellence, “DiCE Webinars” takes the full knowledge of Europe’s leading experts on differentiated integration, and presents it in an easy to digest format.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
EuropeChats - What is the European Interest?
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
In Episode 2 of EuropeChats, Jim Cloos (TEPSA Secretary General) & Mariam Khotenashvili (TEPSA Executive Director) discuss whether there is such a thing as a common European interest and, if so, what it is, and how it is created.
The discussion kicks off discussing the origins of the European interest and continues by looking at how it historically evolved and how positions of national interest change or clash in relations to the common European interest.
EuropeChats with Jim Cloos & Mariam Khotenashvili is the flagship podcast of TEPSA and it is part of the TEPSA Podcast Channel "Europe Speaks".
TEPSA Website - Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn - Instagram
Music: Worakls, 22 September 2014, Salzburg, Hungry music

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
DiCE Webinar - A Short History of Differentiated Integration
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
In this podcast, TEPSA Secretary-General Jim Cloos gives a short history of differentiated integration.
Jim explores five different examples of differentiated integration: the accession of new Member States, the Schengen Area, the Euro, the Social Chapter of the Maastricht Treaty, and European Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Jim makes three conclusions: that DI is a natural phenomenon, that it is a tool rather than an ideology, and that a permanent periphery is not a solution.
This series from DiCE – Differentiation: Clustering Excellence, “DiCE Webinars” takes the full knowledge of Europe’s leading experts on differentiated integration, and presents it in an easy to digest format.

Monday Mar 29, 2021
EuropeChats - What is the EU?
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
In Episode 1 of EuropeChats, Jim Cloos (TEPSA Secretary General) & Mariam Khotenashvili (TEPSA Executive Director) tackle the origins of the European Union and debate the main events which led to the EU as we know it today.
The discussion explores the European Coal and Steel Community, the division of powers within the EU institutions and the Member States, the complexity of democracy in a supranational Union and the role of the EU in times of crisis.
EuropeChats with Jim Cloos & Mariam Khotenashvili is the flagship podcast of TEPSA and it is part of the TEPSA Podcast Channel "Europe Speaks".
TEPSA Website - Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn - Instagram
Music: Worakls, 22 September 2014, Salzburg, Hungry music